AMBER Lab located at Caltech in the Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering and Control and Dynamical Systems as part of the Department of Computing + Mathematical Sciences. AMBER Lab is led by Prof. Aaron Ames, is devoted to both theoretical and experimental research in bipedal robotics, locomotion, nonlinear and hybrid systems, and prosthetic design. |
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Research Supported by:
- National Science Foundation: Through grants: CNS-0953823, CNS-1136104, CPS-1239055
- SRI International
- Texas Emerging Technology Fund
- Norman Hackerman Advanced Research Program (NHARP): Through award: 000512-0184-2009
- NASA: Through projects: NNX12AB58G and NNX11AN06H
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or any other funding agency.